Groundbreaking Ceremony Held for Three Crosses Regional Hospital and Medical Office Project
Las Cruces, NM – Commercial real estate investment firm Goldenrod Capital Partners and development firm Tetrad Property Group held a groundbreaking ceremony on Thursday, November 8th, 2018 to commemorate the construction of the Three Crosses Regional Hospital and Medical Office. The new $70 million, 163,000 square foot project will be located on the former Las Cruces Country Club site.
“This is an exciting day as people have been waiting a long time to see this project become reality,” said Chad Beeson, Director of Operations for Tetrad Property Group. “We are celebrating not only the beginning of construction of this new facility but all of the years of hard work that brought us to this point. The ability to provide a rapidly growing Las Cruces region with a facility that represents the community and their needs is a scenario we are excited to be a part of and invest in.”
Expected to be complete in early 2020, the hospital facility will include 36 patient rooms, designated operating rooms, designated Intensive Care Unit (ICU) space and laboratory facilities. The medical office building will provide the following services: Cardiology, Radiology, Orthopedic and General Physician Services. The two facilities will be located next to each other on the site.
About Tetrad Property Group
Tetrad Property Group (TPG) is a full-service commercial real estate development company focused on implementing innovative and fiscally responsible projects for private investment and public institutions. Headquartered in Omaha, Nebraska, TPG places special emphasis on developing partnerships to create value, promote change and enhance efficiency.
About Goldenrod Capital Partners
Goldenrod Capital Partners (GCP) is a commercial real estate investment fund which focuses on the development and acquisition of properties. Based in Omaha, Nebraska, their portfolio includes real estate in the medical, office, multi-family and industrial markets.